At some point in the year we will invariably experience a slump in our usual motivation to perform our jobs or study. This is especially so after returning from holidays. With exciting memories of the weeks past filling our mind, it can be difficult to refocus our attention towards our work or study. Every day tasks seem mundane and pale in comparison to the time we spent away. New people, places and experiences, or even just the opportunity to have total control over how we spend our waking hours can fill our mind with grand ideas, exciting plans and a freshly adjusted sunny disposition and zest for life.
Photo by scui3asteveo.
The problem with this is that our inspired thoughts seem to dissipate with our return to our usual daily grind. One way to combat the back to work and study blues is to choose to own these inspired thoughts wholly and keep them in mind even after the holidays have come to an end. Identifying the way time off makes you feel and considering other ways to replicate or continue those feelings can assist greatly in bringing more positivity and motivation into your usual routine.
Here are a few ideas on how to recapture the holiday glee:
Plan your next holiday
Whether it's a European escape, a few days hiking in the nearby national park or a weekend spa escape, pencil it into your diary and give yourself something to look forward to. Planning an exciting event for each weekend is also great for maintaining motivation throughout the week - it need not be grand, but a trip to the markets, a night out with your mates, a show at the theatre, a trip to the beach, a lunch with girlfriends or any other activity that might be on offer in your town.
Get Organised
Use your day planner to make to-do lists and tick off each item as you go. Make a trip to your local stationary store to get filing trays, folders, post-it notes, notepads, pens - take control of your work or study load and equip yourself for success.
Use Words to Create an Inspiration Board
Clip magazines and newspapers with words that you identify with being on a break from your routine and brainstorm ideas on how to make these feelings happen regularly. For example, if holidays make you feel grateful, you could consider making a list of all the things that you are grateful for each morning. If your break makes you feel refreshed, consider mixing up your routine to replicate the feeling, say have freshly squeezed OJ with your breakfast or go for a brisk walk each morning. Keep the ideas you come up with close by, pinned up on your wall or in your work cubicle.
Health Blitz
This doesn't necessarily mean you must give up your mid-morning brownie, but consider smaller healthy changes such as drawing up an exercise schedule and moving towards more balanced meals. Research new activities to get into this year. Are there hula-hooping groups or a roller rink nearby? Exercising can boost your energy and help you pull yourself out of a rut. Fresh foods have a similar positive effect on your body. Check out the local farmers market at the weekend and pick up some organic vegetables and look online for a new way to use them. Teach yourself a few simple new weeknight meal ideas.
Attend Industry Events
Whether for the industry you are currently working in or that which you are studying to enter, attending industry events can be valuable for keeping abreast of industry developments, networking and getting excited about the intricacies of your industry. Use LinkedIn, newspaper community columns or local industry websites to find events, presentations or conferences happening near you.
What do you do to kick the work or study blues?
Labels: career, life in general
- At 7 February 2010 at 19:05 , Fiona said...
I've bought new teas to have in my breaks, an go for that morning walk.
- At 7 February 2010 at 20:38 , Kimberley said...
Great post! I've been feeling unmotivated at work but am planning a trip to Europe which does take my mind off the monotony of work and is something to look forward to. Thanks for the wonderful ideas! :)
- At 8 February 2010 at 03:11 , Tara Diane said...
AHHHH, perfect timing for me, as I have a week and a half of hell coming up (three tests this week, three next week, mixed with mandatory social events and parents visiting leave no study time). I definitely did the "plan a holiday" thing yesterday, but it was more along the lines of procrastination.
anyways, fun fun post :). - At 8 February 2010 at 04:46 , said...
Creating an inspiration board is the best! Also, staying organized makes everything better because you know what to do and when to do it.
- At 10 February 2010 at 09:14 , L said...
I love planning holidays hehe. I usually have a nap first, to re-energize, and then get to it with mini breaks and rewards in between.
- At 13 February 2010 at 21:14 , Marthe said...
Great post, thank you!
I usually buy lots and lots of stationary and clean up my desk to get started after a holiday. It's a kind of ritual, but it works! - At 14 February 2010 at 00:41 , Kate @ Tres Lola said...
Fiona I love special tea (ie. not shoddy work supplied tea!)
Kimberley Oooh Europe! Yes, that's def. an exciting trip to look forward too. Lucky you!
Tara Diane I hope you ace your tests & manage to bring a bit of fabulous to those mandatory social events :)
Luinae Organisation is def. great like that, being on top of everything is a good feeling.
Luana I wish I could nap! I try to nap & end up sleeping for hours. I'm rubbish like that.
Marthe Sounds like a good ritual. A clean desk to work from & some cute new stationary is a great start I think! - At 14 February 2010 at 10:24 , Treacle said...
Great tips! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. :-)
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